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Whether it's a slow drip keeping you up at night, or you've come home to a flooded house - I can help.

leak, plumber, emergency plumber

Emergency and general Plumbing, no job too small. 

If you're looking for a cheap solution to your leak or issue at home, then give me a call


Q: I have a slow leak with a pot underneath that I empty each day, does this need to be fixed?

A: Yes, you never know if or when the leak will get drastically worse, if this happens when you're not at home it could lead to extensive damage. Many leaks can be fixed within an hour or two, meaning it could save you hundreds or even thousands of pounds!

Q: I have a dripping tap that is driving me crazy! Do i need a whole new tap?

A: Sometimes just changing the inner parts of the tap will fix the issue, other times a new tap is needed. There are thousands of taps to choose from, some can cost as low as £40

Q: I've received a letter from Anglian Water saying that I have a slow leak, but cannot see any water in the house, do I need to do anything about it?

A: Yes, more often than not this is usually down to either the fill/flush valve within a toilet, or a float valve on a tank in your loft. You can check this by seeing if the water in your toilet pan is moving or rippling or by making sure the float valve in your loft is stopping when it is full.

Q: I have a wet patch on my ceiling, what do I do?

A: Give me a call! It is often something as simple as a leaky bath/shower trap and in some cases can be fixed with a new rubber washer!

Q: The silicone seal around my bath/shower is black and looks like it's coming away from the wall, is this a problem?

A: It can definitely cause issues, once water starts to get behind a seal, it can cause damp or rot to floorboards/stud walls and even start to push tiles away from the wall.

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